
テキスト(String)を画像(NSImage)化する [AppleScript辞書はつくれるか?]






set aText to "Abcひら漢字"

set {{x, y}, {w, h}} to imageView1's frame()


set myApp to current application

set theSize to myApp's NSMakeSize(w, h)

--set fontObj to myApp's class "NSFont"'s userFontOfSize:24.0  --|Font A|

set fontObj to myApp's class "NSFont"'s fontWithName:"Osaka" |size|:24.0  --|Font B|

set sizeValue to fontObj as list

set fontAttribute to (myApp's NSFontAttributeName) as list

set attributes to myApp's class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithObjects:sizeValue forKeys:fontAttribute

set aString to myApp's class "NSString"'s stringWithString:aText

set anImage to myApp's class "NSImage"'s alloc()'s initWithSize:theSize

anImage's lockFocus()

aString's drawAtPoint:(myApp's NSMakePoint(1, 1)) withAttributes:attributes

anImage's unlockFocus()

imageView1's setImage:anImage





set aText to "Abcひら漢字"

set setSize to 48

set myApp to current application

set {{x, y}, {w, h}} to imageView1's frame()

set theSize to myApp's NSMakeSize(w, h)

--set fontObj to myApp's class "NSFont"'s userFontOfSize:setSize  --|Font A|

set fontObj to myApp's class "NSFont"'s fontWithName:"Osaka" |size|:setSize  --|Font B|

set sizeValue to fontObj as list

set fontAttribute to (myApp's NSFontAttributeName) as list

set attributes to myApp's class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithObjects:sizeValue forKeys:fontAttribute

set aString to myApp's class "NSString"'s stringWithString:aText

set {width:w, height:h} to aString's sizeWithAttributes:attributes  --|大きさを計測|

set anImage to myApp's class "NSImage"'s alloc()'s initWithSize:theSize

anImage's lockFocus()

aString's drawInRect:(myApp's NSMakeRect(1, 1, w, h)) withAttributes:attributes

anImage's unlockFocus()

imageView1's setImage:anImage










use AppleScript version "2.7"

use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

use framework "AppKit"


global myApp

global theWindow, mainView

global closeFlg


global imageView1


on run

my performSelectorOnMainThread:"mainMakeObject:" withObject:(missing value) waitUntilDone:true


log "End"

end run


on mainMakeObject:inputObj -- メインルーチン

set myApp to current application

set closeFlg to false


set aTitle to "文字列を画像として出力"

set aRect to {300, 150, 500, 350} -- theWindowSize

set moveCenter to true

set theWindow to my makeNewWindow(aTitle, aRect, moveCenter)


my makeObject()



if closeFlg then

my closeWin:theWindow

exit repeat

end if

delay 0.2

end repeat

end mainMakeObject:


on makeNewWindow(aTitle, aRect, moveCenter)

set {windowX, windowY, windowW, windowH} to aRect

set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(windowX, windowY, windowW, windowH)

set aScreen to myApp's class "NSScreen"'s mainScreen()

set aStyle to (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskTitled as integer)

set aStyle to aStyle + (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskClosable as integer)

set aStyle to aStyle + (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable as integer)

set aStyle to aStyle + (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskResizable as integer)

set aBacking to myApp's NSBackingStoreBuffered

set aWindow to myApp's class "NSWindow"'s alloc()'s initWithContentRect:theRect styleMask:aStyle backing:aBacking defer:false screen:aScreen

tell aWindow



setMinSize_(myApp's NSMakeSize(300, 200))

setMaxSize_(myApp's NSMakeSize(10000, 10000))

setBackgroundColor_(myApp's class "NSColor"'s colorWithCalibratedRed:0.95 green:0.95 blue:0.95 alpha:1.0)




end tell


if moveCenter then

-- |windowをセンターに移動|

aWindow's |center|()


set theScreen to myApp's class "NSScreen"'s screens()

set {windowCenterX, winsowCenterY} to {windowX + (windowW / 2), windowY + (windowH / 2)}

repeat with screenNo from 1 to (count of theScreen)

set {{screenX1, screenY1}, {screenWidth, screenHeight}} to (item screenNo of theScreen)'s frame()

set {screenX2, screenY2} to {screenX1 + screenWidth, screenY1 + screenHeight}

if (windowCenterX > screenX1) and (windowCenterX < screenX2) and (winsowCenterY > screenY1) and (winsowCenterY < screenY2) then

set originX to screenX1 + (screenWidth / 2) - (windowW / 2)

set originY to screenY1 + (screenHeight / 2) - (windowH / 2)

(aWindow's setFrameOrigin:(myApp's NSMakePoint(originX, originY)))

exit repeat

end if

end repeat

end if


return aWindow

end makeNewWindow


(* 各オブジェクトの配置 *)

on makeObject()

set mainView to theWindow's contentView

set theWindowFrame to mainView's frame()

set {{windowX, windowY}, {windowWidth, windowHeight}} to theWindowFrame


set minXMargin to (myApp's NSViewMinXMargin) as integer -- 左の余白を柔軟に

set maxXMargin to (myApp's NSViewMaxXMargin) as integer -- 右の余白を柔軟に

set minYMargin to (myApp's NSViewMinYMargin) as integer -- 下の余白を柔軟に

set maxYMargin to (myApp's NSViewMaxYMargin) as integer -- 上の余白を柔軟に

set widthSizable to (myApp's NSViewWidthSizable) as integer -- 横方向の幅を柔軟に

set heightSizable to (myApp's NSViewHeightSizable) as integer -- 縦方向の幅を柔軟に



-- 新しくオブジェクトを配置する部分 --------------------


set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(windowX, windowY + 25, windowWidth, windowHeight - 25)

set imageView1 to myApp's class "NSImageView"'s alloc()'s initWithFrame:theRect

tell imageView1


setImageFrameStyle_(myApp's NSImageFrameGrayBezel)

setImageAlignment_(myApp's NSImageAlignCenter)

setImageScaling_(myApp's NSImageScaleNone) -- NSImageScaleProportionallyDown


end tell

mainView's addSubview:imageView1


set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(5, 1, 120, 24)

set button1 to myApp's class "NSButton"'s alloc()'s initWithFrame:theRect

tell button1






setAutoresizingMask_(maxXMargin + maxYMargin)

end tell

mainView's addSubview:button1


on error errText

log errText

end try

end makeObject


on action1:sender

set aText to "Abcひら漢字"

set setSize to 48

set {{x, y}, {w, h}} to imageView1's frame()

set theSize to myApp's NSMakeSize(w, h)

set fontObj to myApp's class "NSFont"'s fontWithName:"Osaka" |size|:setSize

set sizeValue to fontObj as list

set fontAttribute to (myApp's NSFontAttributeName) as list

set attributes to myApp's class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithObjects:sizeValue forKeys:fontAttribute

set aString to myApp's class "NSString"'s stringWithString:aText

set {width:w, height:h} to aString's sizeWithAttributes:attributes

set anImage to myApp's class "NSImage"'s alloc()'s initWithSize:theSize

anImage's lockFocus()

aString's drawInRect:(myApp's NSMakeRect(1, 1, w, h)) withAttributes:attributes

anImage's unlockFocus()

imageView1's setImage:anImage

end action1:


(* ウインドウバーの閉じるボタンアクションを受けた時 *)

on windowShouldClose:sender

set closeFlg to true

end windowShouldClose:


(* ウインドウを閉じるための実際のアクション *)

on closeWin:aWindow

aWindow's orderOut:me

if (name of myApp) ≠ "Script Editor" then quit me

end closeWin:




nice!(0)  コメント(0) 

nice! 0

コメント 0



TabViewの研究Xcode14からAppleScript.. ブログトップ
